Message from H.H. Niranjana Swami
Dear Devotees, The following registration process is optional. In other words, in order to access this site, filling in these registration fields is not required. If after reading the following you choose to opt out, you can immediately go to the home screen and will thereafter have full advantage of all the site has to offer. The purpose of completing the following biodata is to give me an opportunity to update this basic information which has already been provided by each devotee at the time of initiation. Updating the information is helpful and can be done by completing this short form. Additionally, by having this information available to me prior to initiation, it relieves the candidates as well as my secretary from dealing with forms altogether. It also helps me to better know those who would be accepting their initiation vows. If none of the above applies, or if you still wish to exclude this information, then simply check the 'opt me out' box. If you choose to opt out, the only information you will need to provide are your name, an email address and whether you consider yourself a disciple (siksha or diksha), an aspiring disciple, or not a disciple. The answer to the latter question will be used to provide you with a better user experience according to the needs of those designations, but you will still obtain full access to the site now and into the future. Yours in Srila Prabhupada's service, Niranjana Swami