H. H. Niranjana Swami
ISKCON Founder—Acarya His Divine GraceA.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Niranjana Swami

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Quotes Of The Day

Niranjana Swami
January 1996 - Kiev - Nectar of Devotion, Ch. 1, “Relief from material distress”

One should understand the power of devotional service to Krsna, and therefore one should never feel that there is any failure in devotional service.

Srila Prabhupada
Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.11, Delhi, March 25, 1976

You cannot understand who is your father. You have to take the knowledge from your mother. If mother certifies, "This gentleman is your father," that is correct. But if you go on researching who is your father you will never be able to know who is your father. Similarly, what is life, what is soul, what is our body, what is the ultimate goal of life, why you are suffering - all this knowledge you have to take from the higher authorities. That is called Vedic process, not to endeavor by research. What you can research? Our fund of knowledge is very, very poor, limited. You cannot have perfect knowledge unless you hear from the authority. So Krsna is the authority. Our Krsna consciousness movement means you take knowledge from the best authority. Don't manufacture knowledge. That will not help you. That is Krsna consciousness movement.